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Z-Tiles: Building Blocks for Modular, Pressure-Sensing Floorspaces (pdf)
Bruce Richardson, Krispin Leydon, Mikael Fernström, Joe Paradiso
CHI ‘04 (April 2004)

Focal Feedback for Finding (pdf)
Krispin Leydon
Eurohaptics ‘03 (July 2003)

ForSe FIElds: Force Sensors For Interactive Environments (pdf)
Lisa McElligott, Michelle Dillon, Krispin Leydon, Bruce Richardson, Michael Fernström & Joe Paradiso
Ubicomp ‘02 (September 2002)

IDC Web Site Design Notes (pdf)
Krispin Leydon
Interaction Design Centre (February 2001)

Sensing the Position and Orientation of Hand-Held Objects: An Overview of Techniques (pdf)
Krispin Leydon
ULCSIS Technical Report (December 2001)

Design of Vibrotactile Gradients for Guiding the Manual Motion of an RFID-enabled Hand-Held Locator
towards Sought Items in Shelf-Sized Spaces (pdf)

Krispin Leydon
Masters Thesis, University of Limerick (December 2004)

Gesture-Based Control of a Personal Digital Assistant (pdf)
Krispin Leydon, Jonas Åkermark, Andrew Jones
Bachelors of Engineering Project Final Report, Dartmouth College (June 2001)

Comfortable, Mobile One-Handed Text Entry (pdf)
Krispin Leydon
Senior Thesis, Dartmouth College (June 2000)


© Krispin Leydon, 2009 -